Homeless and Housing Alliance Partners
Community providers are the lifeline for those individuals and families seeking homeless services. In Palm Beach County, the Continuum of Care organization, the HHA serves and supports the communities, agencies, and organizations concerned with homelessness. The HHA aligns all activities and decisions with Leading the Way Home in Palm Beach County.
The HHA provides technical assistance, supportive services, and educational opportunities to its members as well as addressing critical issues related to homelessness through coordination of existing homeless services and support programs for the homeless, and evaluating unmet needs of this population. They explore all resources for addressing unmet needs, creating special initiatives, and continuing/expanding existing programs for the homeless. They provide crucial input and recommendations regarding homeless services and funding to Homeless Advisory Board.
HHA Members
- Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc.
- Aid to Victims of Domestic Violence
- Boynton Beach Faith Based CDC
- Careville Housing Solutions Inc
- Carrfour Supportive Housing
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of PB
- Center for Child Counseling
- Children's Home Society of Florida
- City of WPB/Vickers House
- Coalition for Independent Living Options
- Community Partners of South Florida
- Compass
- CROS Ministries
- Delray Beach Initiative to End Homelessness
- Delray Beach Police Department
- Faith*Hope*Love*Charity, Inc. (Stand Down)
- Families First of Palm Beach County
- Family Promise of North Central Palm Beach County
- Family Promise South
- Farmworker Coordinating Council of PBC
- Feeding Hope Village
- Flite Center
- Florida Rural Legal Services
- For the Children
- Gulfstream Goodwill Industries, Inc.
- Health Council of Southeast Florida
- Holy Ground of PBC
- Interfaith Committee of Social Services
- Jeff Industries
- Legal Aid Society
- Living Hungry
- McCurdy Housing Corp
- Mental Health America of the Palm Beaches
- Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel
- Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
- PBC Criminal Justice Commission
- CSD-PBC Division of Human & Veteran Services
- PBC Food Bank
- PBC HIV Elimination Services
- PBC Parks & Recreation
- PBC Safe Schools (School District)
- Rebel Recovery FL
- Riviera Beach Integrated Healthcare Systems
- Ruth Norman Rales Jewish Family Center
- Second Start Inc.
- Society of St. Vincent DePaul
- Speak Up for Kids of PBC
- The Healthcare District
- The Homeless Coalition
- The Lord's Place
- The Palm Beach County HUB
- The Salvation Army
- The Soup Kitchen
- True Fast Outreach Ministries Inc
- True Mission Outreach of PBC
- United Way of PBC
- Veterans Administration Medical Center
- Vet's Place, Inc.
- Village of Wellington
- Vita Nova, Inc.

Contact Us
To contact the PBC Board of County Commissioners or Department Staff, visit:
PBSO Referral Form for Homeless Outreach Team